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Happy 18!

18 years ago we started our line of ceramic products from our home in upstate New York. Fortune Magazine named the Egg Bird Feeder one of the best products of the year and we were off and running. That feeder and other products from 2004 are still in production as we continue to explore new ideas and projects. A new desk lamp is coming soon and our first large scale stoneware mural assemblage is almost dry and ready to be glazed, fired, and mounted.

Everyday we wake to engage with our process and find inspiration in our routine. The rhythm of our day is often dictated by timers, drying times, or firing cycles and when inspiration strikes it is gloriously spontaneous. This is our hot spot. The moment we bring all our senses together and hope that our ability can meet the demands of our vision.

We are feeling strong and the love and support of our friends and customers feeds our journey forward. Our commitment is to creating a body of work that will inspire future generations and hopefully not be discarded in some landfill or storage unit.

Our resolve is clear and we hope you will continue on this journey with us. We are just getting started.

Make something, be somebody. This is what handmade is.

Fortune Magazine 2004 Best Product of the Year